Sunday, May 31, 2009


So i thought i would share this to whomever it would help or get a view of what a service production involves.. This helps us as a team, staff, church, etc to stay in the time frame that we are wanting to dismiss service.. Keep in mind this is only a sheet of paper and does not ever dictate what God wants to do or say to His church but at the same time we believe in excellence and that a service can be ran with order and precision.. It's all for the Kingdom!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Wow, i can't say enough about my two beautiful girls in my life. I can honestly say God has given me undeserved un-merited favor in my life and through it i realize His love for me. Since the birth of my baby girl me and my wife have seen Gods love for us in a totally different light. Now, i love Jalyse dearly and would be willing to do anything for her safety.. I ask myself "So if i have this much love for her how much more does God love me and how much more does He want to bless me?!" I believe we have tapped into true Grace and still learning daily more about it.