I'm very excited about new ideas we have up our sleeve for upcoming stage designs. This design was a bit of a last minute thing but i'm diggin it. We will be adding to it but not over do it cause sometimes less is more.
i am also pumped about our new cameras we just received and can't wait to start putting them to use. they are beast lookin. Thank you CLC for your generous giving, Lord knows we could not do what we do without your giving.
Its been a crazy week already but very productive, gearing up for the Power Team coming to CLC soon and that is such a task to prepare for its been bananas around here but again I am so greatful for interns and volunteers, they make such a huge dent for the Kingdom its pretty cool to lead some of them. I love you guys.
My bro Jay figuring out the glidecam so we can put it to use at CLC. Pretty exciting because we have ideas but haven't done them due to camera stabilizing issues on camera angles and shots. Can't wait to use this beast!