This is Jalyse Jean (J.J.) and Joseph (Jojo) Martinez, we went to Dallas to visit friends and family and on our way there we stopped by ennis to visit one of my best friends in which i have been very close to and have done life with for over 21 years of my life, he and i went through kindergarden together and ended up graduating High School with one another. Till this day we do life together and i am so priveleged to have such a friend. Now we find our selves in the real world with real issues to deal with, good and bad. We each have a wife and first born baby with car and mortgage payments and again we are learning from each other at this stage of our lives. Things change in life but one thing we agree that remains constant is the LOVE of God, I could not have gotten myself where i am today on my own and all glory is His everything i own is His, my wife and child is His cause He created them, my talent, my creativity, my passion, my friends, family, job, ministry, hands, and feet are all His. I went off trail a bit but i guess what i'm trying to say is thank you God for the life you have chosen me to live here on earth, i want to live a honorable, faithful, and pleasing life for You.